My name is Meg, I am 39 years old. I have two amazing children, Jacob 14, and Abigail 7. I have a wonderful boyfriend named Don, we have been together almost a year. Over New Year's Eve, we found a house in Government Camp, Oregon that we really want to buy. The house is nicknamed the "birdhouse" because, well, because it looks like a birdhouse. We are most defnintely not wealthy, so purchasing this house is going to be hard for us, but we both believe that this is a wonderful opportunity for us to do something amazing together, and have a rental property under our belts that could really provide for us down the road. Don is an amazing man, with many amazing talents. The man can fix anything, he can do plumbing, electrical work, sheet rock, wood working, mechanical work, you name it. We both realize that he will be doing all the work on this house himself, which will make it all the more valuable to both of us. Please keep us in your prayers, and pray that God will help this dream to become a reality for both of us.